We do still have room, if you are interested in joining the club.
Here's a reminder of our times, and rates:
Swim Times:
Tuesday 7:30-9:00pm (90 minutes)
Thursday 7:30-8:30pm (60 minutes)
Saturday 9:00-10:30am (90 minutes)
Sunday 9:30-10:30am (60 minutes)
Our Three (3) - 12 week sessions:
Fall: September 13 to December 4
Winter: January 3 to March 25
Spring: March 27 to June 17
The pricing options are:
12 drop-ins per 12 weeks session for $165.00
Unlimited swims per 12 weeks session $255.00
are not transferable to other sessions or years, and we will continue
to offer the one free swim to new members only (one time/session/year
In addition to the swim fees there is a 35$ registration fee that goes to Masters Swimming Ontario and Canada and covers insurance. Please include this 35$ fees when writing a cheque to the club for your swim fees. (Example 12 drop ins = $200, Unlimited = $290 - for the first session only.)
In addition to the swim fees there is a 35$ registration fee that goes to Masters Swimming Ontario and Canada and covers insurance. Please include this 35$ fees when writing a cheque to the club for your swim fees. (Example 12 drop ins = $200, Unlimited = $290 - for the first session only.)
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us: ottawacentremasters@yahoo.ca