Winter 2012 Swimming Session Details

Hello to all OCM Members and potential new members! Our Swim year was off to a great start this fall, and now it is almost time to start the Winter session.

INTERESTED IN JOINING OCM? We do still have room for new members, and if you are interested in joining the club, please read the detail below and send us an email. 

Here are the details on the Winter Session, and payment info.

Swim Times:
Tuesday 7:30-9:00pm (90 minutes)
Thursday 7:30-8:30pm (60 minutes)
Saturday 9:00-10:30am (90 minutes)
Sunday 9:30-10:30am (60 minutes)

Our Three (3) - 12 week sessions:
Fall: September 13 to December 4
Winter: January 3 to March 25
Spring: March 27 to June 17

The pricing options are:
12 drop-ins* per 12 weeks session for $165.00
Unlimited swims per 12 weeks session $255.00

We will be cashing your payment cheques on January 18th, 2012 so please feel free to post date them. Payment is expected on your first swim, and cheques can be made payable to Ottawa Centre Masters.

*Drop-ins are not transferable to other sessions or years, and we will continue to offer the one free swim to new members only (one time/session/year only).

For swimmers new to the club this Winter: In addition to the swim fees there is a 35$ registration fee that goes to Masters Swimming Ontario and Canada and covers insurance.  Please include this 35$ fees when writing a cheque to the club for your swim fees. (Example 12 drop ins = $200, Unlimited = $290 - for the first session only.)

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us:

See you on deck!

Your OCM Board