OCM Update / See you in the New Year!

Hi there OCMers! 

Thanks so much for taking part in the Fall Session. We hope you enjoyed it, and are planning on coming back in 2013. If you have any feedback about your session, feel free to send us an email.

Just a few quick reminders and updates.

Reminder - Winter Session:
First, a reminder about the dates for the Winter Session. Our first practice of 2013 will be on Tuesday, January 8 at 7:30pm. Please remember to come early for registration (if you're  new to the club) and payment.  Just like in September, board members will be waiting to process paperwork. The Winter session finishes up on March 31. The practice times and fees will be the same as they were in the fall. For the complete info see the blog entry here: http://ottawacentremasters.blogspot.ca/2012/11/winter-2013-swim-session-information.html

Upcoming Swim Meets:
Also, save the date now for the 9th Annual "Almost Serious Swim Meet" in Brockville. It will be held on Sunday, January 20, and we're hoping to get a big OCM contingent out for the day. It's a traditional favourite for the club, a really fun time, so I think it will be good and we encourage you to come out and give this lighthearted competition a try. The entry deadline is January 12, so we'll send an email early in the new year. For more info, see the meet package: http://www.mastersswimmingontario.ca/pdf/BrockvilleJan202012.pdf

Swimming over the break:
Finally, there won't be any OCM practices until January 8th, but if you're looking for lap swims the pool at the U of O has some convenient times, I've heard that among the OCMers, Kevin at least might be going on Tuesday and Thursday. Schedule for this week is as follows: Tue 20:00 to 22:00 (50 m); Thursday 19:00 to 21:00; Saturday 14:00 to 16:00; Sunday 13:30 to 15:30. The pool is closed December 22 to January 2.

Also please see the City of Ottawa's web site for lane swim times and locations here: http://ottawa.ca/en/residents/parks-and-recreation/drop-activities/public-swimming-schedules

See you all in the New Year!  Send us an email if you have any questions about the Winter Session, swim meets, or anything else.
