Post Swim Brunch - Saturday April 13, 2013

Hello everyone! 

This Saturday, April 13, we'll be having the first OCM brunch of the Spring Session. This is a great chance to catch up with old OCM friends and meet some new OCM friends. 

We'll make a reservation for 11:00am, at the Black Thorn: . The Black Thorn is in the Market, at 15 Clarence Street near Sussex.

A bunch of us will walk over after practice, but you're also welcome to meet us there if you won't be coming to practice on Saturday. 

Please reply to this message to RSVP if you think you'll be coming by emailing us at

(You can definitely still come if you don't RSVP, but it would help to have an estimate of numbers)

We hope to see you there!

Your OCM Board