The Fall Session has started, but it is never too late to join!

Our first week is over, the cobwebs are coming off and we're getting back into the groove.  I hope everyone enjoyed the first week and appreciates the fact that our coach was mercifully easy on us. 

I thought I'd take this opportunity to let all members, new and old alike, that feedback and comments are always welcome and appreciated. If there is anything that you'd like to see us doing better, or if there is anything you think we're doing particularly well, we'd love to hear from you at, or you can just chat to one of the board members. If you are not sure who the board members are, ask the coach or one of your fellow swim members will likely know.

Thinking about joining?

If you are interested in joining the club, but missed the first week, it's not too late to join!  

We urge potential new members to drop by earlier in the season, as we are more focused on technique and drills. Don't worry, we will ramp up the distance and speed as the season progresses to make sure you are fit as a fiddle.  So if you are curious to see what we're all about, this is a great week to take advantage of our free trial swim. Just sign-in as a guest at the front desk in the reception area, and you're good to go.