Fall 2015 Swim Session Information

Ottawa Centre Masters is very excited that this year will we be swimming in two great pools! Ottawa University’s Montpetite Pool and the historic Champagne Pool in the Byward Market!

OCM's Fall Session will start Saturday September 12th at 9:00am at the Champagne Bath pool and will run until December 3rd, 2015.

Are you curious about Masters Swimming? Check out our post "What is Master's Swimming" for more information: http://ottawacentremasters.blogspot.ca/2014/11/what-is-masters-swimming.html

OCM offers our new members one free swim/trial swim to come and check out the club and give us a try before you register.

Swim Times:

Thursday 9:00-10:00pm Montpetit Pool – Ottawa University
Saturday 9:00-10:00am Champagne – 321 King Edward St.
Sunday 8:30-9:30 Montpetit Pool – Ottawa University

Session dates:

Fall: September 12 to December 3, 2015
Winter: January 7 to March 27, 2015*
Spring: April 7 to June 19, 2015*
Fee Options (12 week session):

12 drop-ins - $175.00
24 drop-ins - $275.00
Unlimited Swims - $300.00

The two drop-in options are the equivalent of 1 or 2 swims a week.  We call them drop-ins so that if you miss a week or out of town etc. you can use those swims however you'd like in that 12 week period.  AND you can always upgrade to the 24 drop-in or unlimited options throughout the fall session.

Payment Information:

We would kindly ask that you bring payment on your first swim. Payments can be made out to the Ottawa Centre Masters. We accept cheques, money orders, or cash. All board members will be present to give you your registration package, and collect your payment on the first practice you swim.
Please remember to include the annual $35 registration fee in your first payment -Registration fee payment is required for all members as we are an official Canadian Masters Swimming Club.

The First Swim Night: 

We would ask that you arrive 15-20 minutes early on the first day you swim in order to have time to get your payment, and your registration forms.

A coach will be giving everyone a run down on coaching plans for the year, your expectations/hopes for your participation and membership in the club. In addition he will go over the lane rules, and provide advice on stretching etc. Of course you will be able to ask questions about the coaching and the lanes/swimmers.

Contact Us: 

If you have any questions - please consult the FAQ section of the blog on the right hand side of the page or or email us at ottawacentremasters@gmail.com.

*dates may vary slightly for the Winter and Spring sessions.