We encourage all our members to read and apply the following to their swims.
Here are some quick points followed by a more in depth look at standard operating procedure for lane swimming with a Masters Club.
REST: Take the rest! If you are faster than everyone else in your lane - it is crucial to give your lane mates the rest that is prescribed in the set.
SPEEDS: Accept that some people people may be slower or faster than you in your lane. It doesn't mean they should not be in that lane.
BODIES PER LANE: Try to even the lanes as much as possible but not at the expense of your experience or to be in a lane that's way too fast or way too slow just for numbers.
BE ON TIME: The session starts on time every time. Arriving late is very disruptive to the lanes (if they need to be adjusted) and makes it difficult for the coach and swimmers.
STAY TOGETHER: If you fall out of sync with the work-out please regroup with the leader of the lane. Begin the works-outs together. This is especially helpful if you have speed differences.
COACHING/SETS: We all pay to get a work-out provided by a highly experienced coach, if you want to adjust the session, discuss in your lane and make a lane decision, please don't just do your own workout.
LASTLY: Questions are always welcome.
Also - don't forget to have fun and encourage your fellow swimmers.
-arrive early or on time
-listen to pre-workout talk before you get in the water
-help with setup if necessary/put your equipment away at the end of practice
Choose a lane:
- match your pace and level to the appropriate lane and take the rest interval as provided
- move up or down lanes adjusting to the workout and even up lane numbers
- ask coach if you are unsure which lane you should be in, and be prepared for the coach to move you to a more appropriate lane when necessary.
- begin the workout together
- if you arrive late, join the set in progress
- even lanes swim up the left and odd lanes swim up the right
-or follow the direction arrows located at the end of the lane
- fastest person for each set (depending on stroke, drill, etc) should lead and the rest should follow in order of speed
- understand the set, pace time, and suggest that everyone takes their FULL rest interval
All swimmers:
- leave 5-10 sec. between swimmers when starting
- talk problems over so that they don’t re-occur
- introduce newcomers to the lane system in a positive manner
- touch the slower swimmer’s foot
- the slower swimmer moves over or stops at the wall to allow safe passing, then follows the passer
- move to the other side of the lane and push off straight
- if you have stopped, keep the ends of the lane clear to allow continuing swimmers space to turn
- if you come late or take a break, rejoin the set in progress
- don’t start where you left off
- ask them for advice
- give them feedback, what did you like or dislike about the work-out?
Ottawa Centre Masters