Our 12 Week Winter Session will begin on Tuesday January 7, 2020 at Champagne Pool and will run until Sunday March 29, 2020.
To register please email us at ottawacentremasters@gmail.com for details.
To register please email us at ottawacentremasters@gmail.com for details.
Are you curious about Masters Swimming? Check out our post "What is Master's Swimming" for more information. OCM offers one free swim/trial swim for new members* to come and check out the club and give us a try before you register. Please sign-in as a guest swimmer.
2019/2020 Session Dates:
Winter: Tuesday January 7 to Sunday March 29, 2020
Spring: Tuesday March 31 to Sunday June 14, 2020
Fall Swim Times (Champagne Pool: 321 King Edward Ave.):
Tuesday Evening: 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Thursday Evening: 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Tuesday Evening: 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Thursday Evening: 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Saturday Morning: 9:00am - 10:00am
Sunday Morning: 9:00am - 10:00am
Winter Fee Options (12 week session):
12 drop-ins - $204.00
Unlimited Swims - $296.00
The drop-in option is the equivalent of 1 swim a week. We call it a drop-in so that if you miss a week or out of town etc. you can use those swims however you'd like in that 12 week period**. Unlimited swims are just that - swim as much as you'd like in that 12 week session.
Payment Information:
Payment Information:

Please remember to include the annual $12 registration fee in your first payment - Registration fee payment is required for all members as we are an official Ontario Masters Swimming Club.
Contact Us: ottawacentremasters@gmail.com
If you have any questions on how to register/join or any questions about the club in general - please consult the FAQ section of the blog on the right hand side of the page or or email us at ottawacentremasters@gmail.com.
* the free trial swim is for people who have never been an OCM club member in the past. The free trial is for potential new members to see if they like the club before fully committing to a 12 week session.
** any remaining swims during that 12 week session are not transferable to another session.
** any remaining swims during that 12 week session are not transferable to another session.