At the age of 14 years old Australian Leisel Jones made her first Olympic Games appearance. Still a teenager she broke her first world record in the month leading to the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. Leisel is regarded as one of the best breastroker swimmer of all time, and in this video Jones smashes the world record in 2006.
Beginner tip: Perfect example of gliding, kicking technique and how the head movement is kept to a minimum.
Intermediate tip: Arms keep moving when she breaths, no stops. Nice example of open turns; both arms touching the wall, knees are brought to the direction of the belly button as the upper body turns sideways, one arm recovers under water while the other goes above it, push the wall in a streamline position, glide, perform an underwater pull-down, and glide again before surfacing and swimming normal breaststroke.
Advanced tip: One dolphin kick is now allowed in the underwater part after the start and turn.