Our Spring Session has started... but it's never too late to join OCM!
For those of you that are triatheletes - these last 12 weeks are crucial for your training, and we will provide some open water training tips in the pool, as well as longer sets to get you used to swimming longer distances without rest.
The Spring Session runs Tuesday March 29th to Sunday June 19th, 2011 (12 weeks).
The Spring Session runs Tuesday March 29th to Sunday June 19th, 2011 (12 weeks).
Swim Times:
Tuesday 7:30-9:00pm (90 minutes)
Thursday 7:30-8:30pm (60 minutes)
Saturday 9:30-11:00am (90 minutes)
Sunday 9:30-10:30am (60 minutes)
Pricing options:
12 drop-ins for our 12 week session is $165.00**
Unlimited swims for the 12 weeks session is $255.00
For returning members from last session all we require is payment. For new members you will be required to fill out a registration form and pay the 35$ annual Member Ship Fee, which goes directly to Masters Swimming Canada and Ontario and covers insurance for your swim practices.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at ottawacentremasters@yahoo.ca
**Drop-ins are not transferable to other sessions or years, and we will continue to offer the one free swim to new members only (one time/session/ year only).